Apr 11, 2018
Dr Charlotte Hanlon is a British psychiatrist who lives and works in Ethiopia, linked to Addis Ababa University and King’s College London. Dr Hanlon provides clinical supervision to psychiatric trainees working in general adult psychiatry in Ethiopia. She co-ordinates a PhD programme in mental health epidemiology at Addis Ababa University, from which 6 Ethiopian students have graduated and a further 20 students are enrolled. Her research interests focus on public mental health, women’s mental health, cultural validity of measurement, intervention studies and health service and system implementation research. She is research director for the Programme for Improving Mental health carE (PRIME:www.prime.uct.ac.za) which is developing evidence to support scale-up of integrated mental health care, and country lead for the ASSET project (health system strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa: https://www.healthasset.org) and PST project (adaptation and piloting parent skills training for child developmental disorders).
Dr Hanlon works to support efforts of the Federal Ministry of Health to scale up mental health care in Ethiopia and is a member of the Ministry’s technical working group on mental health. Dr Hanlon and Professor Vikram Patel have just co-edited a revised version of Where there is no Psychiatrist (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/where-there-is-no-psychiatrist/47578A845CAFC7E23A181749A4190B54) to support the delivery of integrated mental health care in primary care settings.
Dr. Hanlon received her PhD in psychiatric epidemiology from the University of London, a master's in epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and her medical degree from the University of Oxford.
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