Sep 30, 2014
Sep 21, 2014
Are we all narcissists now?
Discussing her new book with psychiatrist Raj Persaud, Professor Elizabeth Lunbeck explains 'The Americanization of Narcissism' published by Harvard University Press.
This is an important tome because it critically tackles the way the modern age thinks of itself.
Lunbeck identifies...
Sep 21, 2014
Should the mental health of pilots be of more concern?
Dr Raj Persaud in conversation with Professor Robert Bor - a Professor of Aviation Psychology
Pilot suicide has been implicated in the controversy surrounding the missing Malaysian Airlines Jet and one of the foremost world authorities on pilot psychology,...
Sep 21, 2014
Is Psychiatry a Political Tool of the State?
Why are professional psychiatric organisations in the rest of the world reluctant to be critical of Russian Psychiatry, when it abuses diagnosis and turns it into a political tool?
A new paper in the academic journal 'International Psychiatry' published by the Royal...
Sep 20, 2014
It is said some go high at funerals - is this a real phenomenon?
Raj Persaud in Conversation with Katherine Keyes.
Katherine Keyes is Associate Professor of Epidemiology Columbia University and with serveral colleagues had published a study in the 'American Journal of Psychiatry' investigating what happens when people...